Pick and Roll

Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2018

We have had a long journey up until now. We have also learned a lot during this last 2 years while we have been building Globatalent. I still remember the beginning of the process and some people telling us that we were completely crazy.

Right now, we are at the best stage to show the world a real use case of blockchain in a traditional ecosystem such sport.

Since we finished our fundraising process at the end of July, we have been focusing on executing our plan, building the right team to develop our idea and on how we can become successful.

Thanks to all the supporters, the investors, the team and the people who believed in us. Now we are about to demonstrate what Globatalent is.

I would like to share with our community our plans for the next year but first, I am happy to announce that we achieved the goals on our roadmap which we created at the end of the last year.

I am very pleased to announce that we will be listed in LATOKEN by November 26th with 4 pairs, ETH/GBT, BTC/GBT, USDT/GBT and LA/GBT Keep an eye out during Q1 2019 and we will announce 2 more exchanges.


Our marketplace will be launched on December 2018, with commitments for more than $5M assets to tokenize with a variety of sports including football, tennis, basketball and F1.

I am also proud to announce that the first sport Cryptoexchange in the world will be launched very soon (by the end of December or beginning of January).

Marketplace Globatalent

I can, however, announce our buy-back policy. I can confirm that by the end of 2019 we will buy back 2% of total token supply and we will freeze 5% of total token supply for 2 years. This means that by the end of 2019 we will have frozen or bought back a total of 7% of the total token supply.

Showing that we are a diligent team that was able to execute the road map, I hope you can show your trust in our project.

Let me explain very briefly our road map for 2019:

January — launch our sport crypto exchange

February — listing in a new exchange. (Top 20)

June — listing in a top 10 Crypto-exchange

Regarding milestones, we have the goal to achieve $40M transactions through our marketplace or Cryptoexchange during 2019.

We will open regional offices in Latin America and Asia to accelerate our business development.

I hope all this news gets you as excited as we are and you are happy with the updates!

Please do not be hesitate to contact me on Telegram or Twitter.

Sunil Bhardwaj CEO — sunil@globatalent.com

