Wish I could have invested in Michael Jordan

Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2019

Can you imagine a time when you could have invested in Michael Jordan before his debut in the NBA? Now I would be a billionaire, but what does it mean to invest in a future pro athlete? It means a lot of things,firstly that you can help a human to achieve their dreams, it means you can promote a society with values as sports promotes teammates, effort, selflessness, sacrifice, consistency and finally it allows you to invest in an industry that right now you are not able to be a part of and since Globatalent appeared it was only available for Venture capitalists and some sports management companies.

Investing in an athlete means that you can own a % of his/her future incomes during certain times of his/her career plus the benefits just explained before. Awesome right?

A couple a weeks ago, figures were released of the biggest managing sport agencies in the world, the top one is making $ 250M in fee commissions representing players in different sports.

An NCAA player is not allowed to get paid while universities are making millions on sponsoring and TV rights and players are getting a miserable grant that allows him/her to study and only a maintenance grant as well. So how we can not expect that university’s players are willing to spend one or two years at the university and move as quickly as possible to play in the NBA, NFL etc as they can make millions of dollars right a way. Rather than staying for 4 years at the university.

In Europe, young athletes don’t even think to go to the university if they are playing soccer in youth teams of top soccer clubs. They want to make all the effort to become professional and some at the age of sixteen are making more money than their parents do.

Most of these guys are under the control of managers agencies and some of them are very professional but others ….

In the 21st century and in the era of collaborative world and Globatalent has come to change most of the old way of this traditional industry of sport.


By being able to help athletes and clubs to monetize their assets and therefore fans will be able to buy those assets and own a % of future income from them, However we had added an extraordinary change as well by allowing to trade the assets from the athletes in our exchange peer to peer adding liquidity to this process.

Therefore coming back the example of Michael Jordan I could buy assets from MJ that represent 1% of his income from sponsoring income for the prior 10 years and wait for my yearly payment or by selling my MJ asset in the Globatalent exchange, rather to wait 1 year i could sell it the same day that i bought it and make 20% profit and buy another asset from another athlete.

So being a global company and with globalization days this provides a unique opportunity to involve fans from all over the globe to be part of this 3 trillion Dollars business industry.

Are you ready to be part of it?


