Donate to the future of Africa’s youth!
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2019

The youth population in Africa is estimated to increase by 42% over the next decade.

Learning Lions is a non-profit organization based in Kenya, helping young adults in rural areas of Africa to acquire business, IT and media skills; thus achieving economic independence and even becoming entrepreneurs. Thanks to their succesful first years, the waiting list to join the program has scaled fast; and they need all the support they can get to offer training and business motivation to larger groups of promising young adults.

And you can help!

Learning Lions is amongst the very first charities in Africa to accept donations in cryptocurrency. But not any cryptocurrency — the charity will exclusively accept GLX Stablecoin, which provides transparency, traceability of the funds, and more convenient transaction conditions.

How can I make a donation?

Donate to Learning Lions instantly using GLX stablecoin.
  • Step 1: Register on Lykke Exchange ->
  • Step 2: Deposit funds into your Lykke wallet via credit card or bank transfer
  • Step 3: Buy GLX and send instantly to this address: 0xbd5ed432dbefe7524eec71174e8ce02d5137c6e7

There’s no minimum amount required!

How will the funds be used?

GLX donations will be used to welcome more students in the Basic and Advanced Training as well as bigger projects like the construction of the ITC Center, a campus in Turkana where they expect to host 200 students and to offer them accommodation, offices, and services like health and nursery.

“By 2020, we will have trained 390 young adults, created 135 jobs and lifted 350 people out of poverty”

The Turkana Campus will be built with the donations

Why donating in GLX?

GLX is a stable digital currency that enables a new payment system. With GLX, cross-border donations are quick and efficient. The journey of your donation can also be traced and checked more easily, adding the advantage of transparency. All this, without the high foreign exchange costs and the loss of value associated with international transactions with traditional currencies.

Also, when you donate using a new, advanced, high-end means of payments like GLX, you’re also -in a way- openning the door to the future and saying to young talents in Africa that you support innovation and transformation; transformation into a more global, inclusive community where national borders are not determinant to quality of life.

