Announcing Globe Meme Contest — Pepe February

Globe Derivative Exchange
Globe Official
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

With Valentine’s day coming up, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity for a community event. Show your creativity and excitement for Globe and get rewarded!

Timeline: Sunday, February 7th, 2021 at 9 PM PST — February 14th, 2021 at 9 PM PST.

Lucky Bull Pepe

How to Enter:

Create a meme that is related to Globe theme and post it to our social media pages:

Comment your telegram handle on the contest image you submit on each social media post with the hashtag #Globe, and make sure to tag and follow our page. Example: ‘@YourUserName #Globe

It can be in any format you would like — 2D, Video, Gifs — get creative!


  1. 150 USDT to the meme with the most likes / shares / comments / or retweets
  2. 100 USDT for community favorite
  3. 100 USDT for Globe team favorite (hint: we love Pepes!)

Winners will be announced on The Globe Token’s Telegram channel ( February 15th.

Reference materials:

About Globe

Globe is a crypto derivatives exchange where institutions and consumers transact digital currencies like Bitcoin via perpetual futures contracts.

Join our community channels:

Website | Twitter | Telegram

