December Alumni Spotlight

Katie Coakley
GlobeMed Alumni
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2017

In order to increase awareness of what GlobeMed alumni are up to and promote alumni networking and collaboration, the Knowledge and Skills Sharing Committee of the GlobeMed Alumni Association has decided to launch the Alumni Spotlight Series. Each month, a different alumnus will be featured in a post on our Medium page. We hope you enjoy learning about what others in the alumni network are doing! Contact information for the featured alumni will also be shared, so feel free to reach out and connect! Since ’tis the season of giving, our December Alumni Spotlight features an alumnus who contributes to the movement for global health by being a monthly donor to GlobeMed.

Adam Voegele is an alumnus from GlobeMed at the University of Cincinnati. He was involved in GlobeMed in 2012 and 2013. In 2013, Adam served as the GROW Coordinator for his chapter. Adam was inspired to join GlobeMed by the partnership model of the organization, as well as the movement that they had created in the previous years. He was passionate about getting involved in global health and the sustainable way that GlobeMed works with its partners was very important to him. GlobeMed inspired Adam to make positive changes in not only his partner’s community, but also in his local community.

Adam has stayed in Cincinnati, OH since graduation. After graduation, Adam knew he wanted to continue to contribute to the global health movement and decided to pursue a career in nursing. He applied for a graduate-entry nursing program and earned a second Bachelor’s degree in nursing. Since graduating in 2015, he has been working at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital as an Intensive Care Unit float nurse. When Adam is not busy at work, he loves to travel-what GlobeMedder doesn’t?! He has been trying to visit national hotspots and looks forward to more international travel in the future. He has also recently gotten into cooking and exploring new recipes.

Adam feels, like many GlobeMed alumni, that GlobeMed has shaped his life after graduation. He feels that GlobeMed first and foremost has made him a more culturally competent nurse. He cares for children from all over the world and GlobeMed has made him more compassionate and empathetic toward his patients and their situations. GlobeMed has also taught Adam the importance of sustainable partnerships, not just in healthcare, but in many aspects of life. Professional environments, local organizations, and personal relationships can all benefit from a partnership model. He feels this core pillar of the GlobeMed structure is responsible for much of GlobeMed’s success and strives to model that structure whenever he can.

Adam has stayed connected to GlobeMed since graduation. He attended Summit in 2016 and has also been in touch with the recently formed GlobeMed Alumni Association. One very important way Adam has stayed connected to GlobeMed and involved in the global health movement, is by being a monthly donor to GlobeMed. When asked why he is a monthly donor, Adam replied: “Simply because I believe in GlobeMed’s mission.” By giving to GlobeMed, Adam is able to support national chapters and recruit future leaders to partner with grassroot organizations all over the world. This partnership is essential to sustainable change in these communities. He also believes in investing in young student leaders, as they have opportunities to make real change at the academic level, as well as within their partner organizations. Adam feels that investing in and developing these young leaders is the most sustainable investment that he can make.

If you also believe in GlobeMed’s mission, please consider becoming a monthly donor or making a one-time contribution to GlobeMed this holiday season. Giving to GlobeMed is giving to the movement for global health equity and allows emerging leaders to gain the knowledge, skills, and passion that GlobeMed gave to you.

Adam can be reached at

