Digital Retreat 2017 FAQ’s

Emi Kihslinger
GlobeMed Alumni
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2017

GlobeMed: A Lifelong Calling

Q: When, Where, and How??

A: The retreat will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST, and will have both digital and in-person components. Virtual sessions will be held using BlueJeans. BlueJeans is an easy to use, free online platform that can be accessed through an internet browser or using the desktop application. You will be provided with meeting ID numbers for retreat sessions closer to the date of the retreat.

In-person meet ups will be hosted by each regional hub (Chicago, Boston, New York, LA, Colorado and D.C) with possibilities of smaller hubs forming as well. During these meet ups attendees will come together for both virtual sessions during the larger network wide sessions and then break off during smaller workshop sessions for more in-person intimate discussions.

Q: What kind of content can I expect from the retreat?

A: A diverse array! We’re going to be hearing from speakers, providing forums for open discussion, and holding small group sessions. Each of the association’s committees — Fundraising, Student Support, Knowledge & Skills Sharing, and Advocacy — will be hosting a focused workshop, and we’ll be hosting one session where the topic will be crowd-sourced from participants!

Q: How much will I be expected to actively participate during the retreat?

A: There will be many opportunities for alumni to engage, share their thoughts and feelings, and contribute to discussions, and alumni are encouraged to share their unique experience and perspectives. However, it is not required that you actively participate. You are certainly welcome to attend the retreat, soak it all in, listen to your peers, and learn from our speakers without actively participating. We want you to feel comfortable with whatever level of engagement you choose.

Q: Is this an all or nothing thing? Or can I participate in parts of the retreat and not others if I can’t make it for the entire time?

A: The retreat is definitely not all or nothing! While we highly encourage you to attend as much of it as possible, not being able to make certain segments will certainly not disqualify you from attending others. We encourage everyone to attend as much of the retreat as they can.

Q: What are the goals of the retreat? What are we hoping the outcome will be?

A: We have several goals through for the retreat: To Engage Alumni, Ignite Personal GlobeMed Passion, Strengthen the Alumni Association, Facilitate Professional Development. We want this to be an event where GlobeMed alumni get the chance to re-engage with the network and learn more about the association. We intend to use small group discussions, interactive workshops, personal testimonials, and facilitated mentorship to nurture our global network of professionals and fuel the future growth of the alumni association. We hope that participants come away from the retreat with a renewed sense of purpose, a topped up tank full of GlobeMed energy and love, and a clear idea of how they can get involved with, fill leadership positions in, and attend events with the GlobeMed Alumni association.

Q: Is there any way I can help plan the retreat?

A: Absolutely! Send us an email at and we can either get you more involved with the associate and connected with an alumni committee or find a short-term way for you to plug into the retreat efforts! Thank you in advance for your interest.

Q: Who can I talk to about specific retreat-related questions?

A: Any questions, comments, love notes, and suggestions can be directed to We will get back to you within 48 hours!

Q: I’m sold! How can I register?

A: EventBrite makes life so easy. Just follow this link!



Emi Kihslinger
GlobeMed Alumni

Adventurer, lover, eater, writer, dreamer on my way to everywhere.