24 Ways to Pass the Time when your Flight has been Delayed

My score was 15/24 for a 6-hour delay

KT Graeme
6 min readDec 8, 2022


A man stands with his carry-on looking out at the tarmac of the airport
Image by Victor Freitas on Pexels

5.20 pm. That was the time my flight from Belfast, N Ireland to Edinburgh, Scotland was scheduled to leave. My fellow passengers and I sat on the plane waiting for over an hour before we were asked to disembark as the plane had a mechanical issue.

Waiting around for over 6 hours in Belfast International airport inspired this list with ideas ranging from entertainment, R&R to utter boredom.

1. Commiserate with fellow passengers

They say misery loves company. Consider striking up conversations with other passengers as you wait for the next announcement

2. Browse the shops again

With more time on your hands, you can take a more leisurely stroll through the stores and spend time looking at things that you may have skimmed previously due to time constraints

3. Browse the shops that didn’t interest you

Looking at items that you normally would ignore or avoid under usual circumstances could allow you to learn something new at best or pass more time at worst.

4. Explore the terminal

I find it useful to have a look at the terminal map to see places or lounges nearby that may interest you. That’s how I discovered the massage chairs in Belfast airport.

5. Have a massage (if available)

Many airports have massage chairs or even a masseuse where you can have a massage that helps you relax and escape for a few moments

6. Silently envy those passengers actually leaving for their flight

View the departure boards and listen to the boarding call announcements for passengers whose flights are on time and wish that was you.

7. Use the flight departure boards to find new countries or cities to visit

See which cities jump out at you from the flight departure boards and find some places to add to your travel list.

8. People watch (ideally while sitting)

The airport is a high-traffic area and provides a great opportunity to people-watch. You might be surprised by what you learn simply from the act of observation.

9. Catch up on work

If you’re traveling for work, a delay can provide time to catch up on emails. Challenge yourself to complete some of those non-urgent tasks that seem to spend far too long on your To Do list.

10. Check out your airline’s delay policies and see if you can be reimbursed

Reimbursement policies differ across airlines so read the specifics for your airline. At a minimum, keep your receipts which you can later submit for reimbursements.

11. Update your accommodation and change your transport if required

With a long delay, it’s important to start planning your next steps for when you actually arrive at your destination. Send a quick email/message to your accommodation provider to update them. You can also research transport options in those scenarios where you’ve pre-booked a coach or train etc.

12. Read or listen to an audiobook/podcast

If you’re like me then you have e-books downloaded to your Kindle ready to read on your trip so you can get started on these. Alternatively, if you prefer audiobook format, then listen to one of the books in your library. Or if you prefer podcasts, check if you’re caught up on your favorite podcasts or discover a new podcast to listen to while you wait.

13. Play a game

If gaming is your thing then why not spend some time trying to progress to the next level in your game.

14. Get a snack (keep your receipt)

Food is usually one of the easiest things to find in the airport. Use the extra time to get something that will help you get through the next few hours.

15. Watch a movie or an episode of a show

This can be a fun way to pass the time and enjoy the snack you bought. Just don’t get too engrossed in what you’re watching that you forget to check for flight updates. Tv shows may be better given the shorter format.

16. Browse social media

Escape to the world of endless scrolling on your preferred platform and watch the time fly by (hopefully!) as you read or watch updates from friends and others you follow.

17. Have a power nap

If a quick snooze may be what you need to re-energize, then consider taking a quick power nap. Always make sure you secure your valuables well, keeping them out of sight. I often find it useful to set an alarm to ensure I don’t oversleep.

18. Catch up on messages from family and friends

Catching up on outstanding messages from family members and friends is a good way to stay in touch and you can also use the time to check in on friends and acquaintances whom you haven’t heard from for a while.

19. Pray

It’s pretty obvious that the airline staff can use all the help they can get so saying a quick prayer doesn’t hurt. You can also pray for yourself and your fellow passengers who are stuck waiting as disrupted schedules can be stressful due to the domino effect they have.

20. Reflect (use travel superlatives)

This works well in the middle or at end of your trip when you have a little travel under your belt. If you have traveled, have a think about which experience was your favorite, which place was the most scenic or the most surprising.

If you’re about to travel, you can still look ahead and consider which place or attraction you’re most looking forward to visiting, which food you’d like to try or something new you learned in preparing for your trip. Then see how your answers compare to those after your trip.

21. What3Words the airport you’re at or the accommodation you hope to eventually arrive at later

Use the app to discover the unique three words that define the 3m x 3m spot where you are. If you’re not familiar with What3Words, the video below explains how it works.

22. Complete a mini declutter

If you have a bag where things seem to disappear when you put them in, this time is as good as any to do a quick tidy. Use this opportunity to get rid of unnecessary bits of paper and other stuff that can accumulate. Who knows, you may provide some entertainment for other people who are watching you 😀

If physical clutter is not your challenge, consider doing a mini digital declutter. Our phones are full of random images and videos sent from others that we really don’t need to keep. Free up some space on your device by deleting these types of media.

23. Discover what happens at the airport when the stores close

Even the airport can get relatively quiet after the stores and restaurants close. However, make sure you are stocked up on food and drinks. If you don’t use them at the airport then you’re able to use them at your next destination.

24. Count the number of tiles on the ground between a certain distance

It is possible to reach a stage where you’re tired but it’s not enough time to sleep or you’re taking a break from technology and people-watching. This is my travel equivalent of counting sheep to pass time until a new flight announcement is made.

For my 6+ hour delay, that’s approximately one suggestion for every 15 minutes that I was delayed. If you are able to complete everything on this list, then you have my sympathy!

I’m curious to hear: What was your longest flight delay?



KT Graeme

A Caribbean native with a love of travel, a passion for volunteering & a desire to learn. Soul home: UK 🇬🇧 | Most recently volunteered in: Ireland ☘️