48 Hours In Plymouth

Here’s the perfect weekend itinerary for your Devon city break


Plymouth © Simon Whaley

If you’re looking for a watery-themed weekend, then look no further than Plymouth Sound. The Devon city of Plymouth offers a full weekend of coast-themed entertainment!

As I prepared for my personalised press trip (it’s a hard life, but someone has to do it), I read up about some of Plymouth’s most famous departures: 1577 is when Sir Francis Drake departed here to circumnavigate the world. Then, in 1620, The Mayflower sailed off in search of a new life in America with the Pilgrim Fathers on board. And in 1831, Charles Darwin began his famous five-year voyage on The Beagle, which would lead to some of the world’s most amazing discoveries and, ultimately many of his observations that formed the basis of his famous On The Origin of Species.

Plymouth Sound and Drake’s Island © Simon Whaley

A triumvirate of watery arteries collide here, creating this bustling port. There’s the English Channel to the south (ferry services to Brittany and Spain), the River Plym to the northeast (serving the Sutton harbour fishing district), and the River Tamar to the northwest, which is also the border between Devon and Cornwall, and home to the largest naval…



Simon Whaley - Author | Writer | Photographer

Bestselling author, writer and photographer. UK travel writer. Lives in the glorious Welsh Borders. Contact: https://www.simonwhaley.co.uk/contact-me/