5 Ways Traveling The World Changed How I Look At Life And Myself

And How You Can Live A More Meaningful Life If You Travel More Often



Photo by the author

To travel the world is to be able to experience life in a totally different way. It allows you to see that the world is full of wonders, beauty, and possibilities. It gives you the chance to try without judgment and to see without limits.

But most importantly, to travel the world is to be able to look at ourselves in a completely different way.

Among the thousands of things that traveling the world has enabled me to see, here are my top 5 favorite ones.

5- I’m more comfortable with understanding that nothing lasts forever

Photo by the author

From my first exchange program abroad to the most recent one, I know that they all had one thing in common: They all had a beginning and they all came to an end.

From the first time I went on vacation to my most recent adventure backpacking in Europe, I know that all these trips are now just a memory and all I have are stories of them.




I am a slum boy from Brazil who visited 30+ countries. My moving stories will inspire you to achieve your travel dreams no matter where you come from