6 Reasons Not to Move to Ireland

Exactly how the Emerald Isle disappoints

Margo Hatcher


I’ve lived in Ireland for quite some time now. Although moving during the pandemic wasn’t easy regardless of where you moved from or where you were moving to, Ireland has not lived up to my expectations.

I’ve lived in the US, Spain, and Germany, and I’ve spent a good amount of time traveling around mainland Europe. All that to say, this isn’t my first rodeo. It wasn’t my first international move, and it won’t be my last.

I moved to Ireland for work in the middle of the pandemic, and though my employer determined the location, I was cautiously optimistic. I associated Ireland with leprechauns, cute sayings, and stunning nature. While some of that held true, the realities of living in Dublin, Ireland were far from ideal.

Let me fill you in on the drawbacks of living in Ireland that you should consider before moving here.

A small stone tower sits on a hill on a coast. The sky is foggy.
Photo by Aldo De La Paz on Unsplash

1. Poor Quality of Infrastructure

If you’ve been to central Europe, you know how to appreciate good infrastructure. Roads, hospitals, office buildings, residential buildings, public transportation systems — all of these are crucial aspects of a country’s infrastructure. Each of these has the power to significantly influence the quality of life of the…



Margo Hatcher

A software engineer with a passion for the intersection of tech and life.