A Bridge to Ecstasy

My favorite place to be

Joel R. Dennstedt
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


Arenal Hanging Bridges, Costa Rica — Image by Stephen F. Dennstedt

My favorite place to be anywhere in the world is a wooden footbridge. To be more specific, a suspended wooden footbridge. To be precise — the most primitive, rickety, highest, wavering, dangerously decrepit-looking footbridge you can find.

I’m serious.

I’ve never found the perfect one, but I love them all.

I’ll even take approximations. Substitute metal if you must, a raging river beneath for great height above, or even unsuspend the thing if you feel it’s necessary.

Just make it primitive or jungle-hidden and put me on it.

Finca de Café y Flores, Honduras — Image by Stephen F. Dennstedt

I could wax all wise and philosophical about why I love these bridges.

I don’t know why. Like anyone, I’m averse to heights and not fond of danger. On the other hand, I love how I feel when perched on my ideal bridge.

I feel calm. I feel relaxed. I feel perfectly secure and safe. Hell, I probably feel loved.

