A Dream In The Making With The Man I Love

This feels like a movie



Photo by Author

I met my partner three years ago. It was a slow-growing love, we became best friends and opened up to each other. Grew together, shared values, spoke, laughed and explored together. The more we learnt of each other the more I loved him. We had so much in common and yet so much to learn from each other. He was desperate for travel and had so many big dreams and places to see. Exploration was a top priority. Getting out and seeing the world — not to be too cliché. I loved him for it, I loved that I agreed with him and wanted to see the world. We romanticised and thought about all the places we wanted to see. Late-night conversations in his badly lit, mouldy sad shared apartment room.

That room bore dreams of travel. The idea of backpacks, getting down and dirty, drinking beer in strange places, and meeting new people all became our little fantasy intertwined with hope and maybe just a little bit of delusion. However, a few months into dating he told me he was possibly leaving, going to Australia long term. It hurt me as I had to stay. I had a degree to finish and citizenship to obtain in New Zealand. (I am South African originally. For those of you who don’t know, South Africa is creeping towards a state of overpopulous crime and corruption. I love my country but don’t want to live there, I don’t feel safe…




I love messy writing, poetry and live for the travel stories.