A Lesson in Excess at France’s Most Unhinged Restaurant
Sometimes, being way too much is never enough
Ride of the Valkyries is a little much
Richard Wagner, foaming anti-Semite that he was, knew how to write a stirring melody. You know this song, one of those tunes you’ve inherited with a certain cultural universe, along with Beethoven’s Symphony Number 5 (da da da DUM!) and Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusic.
Familiar as it is, it’s still a powerful piece of music, ideal for its intended purpose of carrying pagan Germanic warriors to their warlike afterlife.
Is it needed here, though? Among the sparkling chandeliers and pristine white tablecloths of an upscale French restaurant?
Doesn’t matter. Because Les Grands Buffets in Narbonne, France, is not the kind of place where you ask ‘why?’
I don’t much care for French food.
There. I said it. My shameful little secret, a truth that dare not speak its name in the company of friends and strangers alike. I’ll happily tell you that your God doesn’t exist and that unconditional love is a fantasy before I’ll admit to that.
It isn’t good. I live in France, and apart from the glorious green wilderness that separates the Rocky Mountains…