A Medieval Town in the Heart of Transylvania


Anne Bonfert
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2022


Flower arts in the streets of Sighişoara. | Credit: Anne Bonfert

Maybe one of the cities I still had the most distinct memories of from our previous visit ten years ago. Sighişoara is a beautiful medieval town covered in cobblestone streets and flower boxes creating a charming flair.

Yes, it is November and rather cold in Romania but those who want to spread beauty surely can. There are many flowers that withstand the first frost and still bloom through the misty days of this month.

After checking into our apartment, we headed out to explore the ancient streets. And while walking down the plastered roads we passed more than one shop selling antiques. We’re not collectors but looking doesn’t cost anything.

Antiques in town. | Credit: Anne Bonfert

The interesting and fascinating thing about the city of Sighişoara is that its old Town is built on the hill, just below the church and is also surrounded by fortified walls.

While even the tiniest villages in Transylvania did have their own fortified church, this town had protected the entire community with an outer wall.



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.