Recalling My Wet and Chilly Walk Around the Glasgow Botanic Gardens

Even the most low-key attractions have a lot to offer

Milla H.


The inside of the Kibble Palace (Credit: Own work)

Last weekend, I was up in Glasgow, Scotland for an event. I had some spare time and I really wanted to check out some of the local area. One of these places is the popular Glasgow Botanical Gardens, found in Glasgow’s West End and a short bus ride from the city centre. It’s a free attraction that you can visit anytime during the day if you’re ever in the area.

In typical British fashion, the weather was fairly depressing, with grey clouds blocking the clear blue skies above. However, given the rain was mere drizzle, I wasn’t fazed as much as I thought. I would’ve liked clear skies (as I’m sure the scenery would look even better). However, there is something unique about being out in nature during the rain. It’s a nice change of pace that I’m sure we can all appreciate.

A path in the Botanic Gardens soaked from the rain. (Credit: Own work)

Given it was the middle of winter, the trees were leafless, the ground was waterlogged due to the rain and the wind was chilled. These are the unique charms you can only experience outside in winter. A contributing factor as to why I enjoyed my walk around the…



Milla H.

Founder of She Nomads Sustainably, a nomad & sustainable traveler who shares knowledge, advice and lived experience (