All The Wildlife In The World

A travel story

Joel R. Dennstedt
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2023


Image by Stephen F. Dennstedt

Well, you’ve really done it this time Anne Bonfert.

“What animals have you encountered on your travels?”

That is more of a challenge than you might think.

Not because we failed to see any, but because our entire 7–1/2 year journey was spent looking for them.

Steve (my brother) considers himself primarily a wildlife photographer. I’ve covered many encounters in my private publication, Exceptional Journeys.

My challenge, therefore, rests in selecting those that best illustrate without overwhelming.

I’ll try to represent all the categories of animals we encountered — both wild and captive — but I’ll use the most evocative photos I could find.

Hopefully, that will satisfy the challenge without driving anyone crazy.


Monkeys are Steve’s favorite. Be they Howler, Spider, Capuchin, Squirrel, or others, he is happiest when surrounded by monkeys in the wild. His biggest personal complaint while watching House Hunters International is: “NO MONKEYS!” Even if we happen to be in Iceland at the time.

