April Monthly Challenge — Scenic Vistas

Vast, endless and breathtaking

Anne Bonfert
Published in
6 min readApr 1, 2024


Photo credit: Anne Bonfert

After a month of a very specific topic such as waterfalls, we thought of keeping the coming one a bit more open. And vast. Giving our writers a wide range of options to get creative, we came up with another natural topic but a very scenic one.

I had noted down this topic months, if not years back, when another writer had written an interesting essay on it but the story and the writer must have vanished. I can’t find it anymore. So now, I need to write my own introduction.

What is it that inspires us to travel? Isn't it to see something new, explore something different, something unknown to us? I know, I shouldn't put down assumptions as everyone has the right to travel and do things their way but I am certain many members of our community chase diverse landscapes on their trips.

This was how the topic of scenic vistas was born. But what does that even mean? The word ‘scenic’ simply refers to an attractive landscape. Rather straightforward the explanation. The second word might be a little more complex.

“A vista is a view from a particular place, especially a beautiful view from a high place.” — Collins Dictionary



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.