Bamberg Germany Is A Great City To Visit

Last October, we spent a day in this city and enjoyed our time there for many reasons


Cathedral in Bamberg commissioned by Emperor Heinrich II in 1007 remains a source of city-wide pride. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2023.

Do you know how Google Photos puts a slide show together for you — even if you don’t request it?

Today’s article was inspired by one such show. My phone alerted me to a new slide show from last fall when we traveled on a Viking Longship River Cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam.

The day was October 4th. The port of the day was Bamberg, Germany.

Our day started by being bused into the city because we couldn’t dock in town. Our tour guide, a forty-something, somewhat shaggy appearing English Lit professor type with wavy shoulder length brown hair and a worn leather messenger bag met our group outside the new symphonic hall — a modern glassy building that stands in contrast to the medieval baroque, Gothic, and Romanesque architecture of old.

As you can see from the photos, it is quite a juxtaposition of structures — especially when one can stand outside the symphony hall and look toward the centuries-old buildings along the river.



Carol Labuzzetta, MS Natural Resources, MS Nursing

Environmental educator with a passion for teaching youth using the science of awe. Traveler, Photographer, Author, Wife, Mother. Boosted Writer x 10