Barefoot in Aruba

An Aspiration for all Vacation Restaurant Experiences

Gail Sawchuk


Barefoot Restaurant in Aruba, Photo by Gail Sawchuk

A handful of restaurant meals shared with my husband over the last twenty-plus years stand out from the rest. As we travel the world together, we seek the perfect combination of setting, atmosphere, and memorable food. There is one that rises above the rest that we have had the fortune to experience several times.

New Love is Sparked

It started with our first date. I was twenty-four and newly graduated from college, where good meals out happened mostly during parents’ weekends. On the other hand, Pete was eight years older and had spent most of his post-college years working in restaurants. We met at a brewpub in Alexandria, Virginia. I was waiting tables, and he was the manager, so we were initially private about our relationship.

After making our dating status public, Pete took me to a place he used to work. Giddy with new relationship vibes and the buzz of a bottle of shared wine, we shared simple yet upscale food. It was a meal where holding hands under the table gave me butterflies and the first inklings that this relationship might be the relationship. Unfortunately, the establishment has since closed, so we are unable to return to that specific moment. Instead, we recently brought our boys to another local favorite and regaled…



Gail Sawchuk

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