Best of Iceland: Great Memories To Cherish! (part 5)

We come to the final leg of our Icelandic adventure, the best finish one could ask for! — The Northern Lights! (and more)!

Ilam Padmanabhan


Photo from Pexels — wish we had better gloves and camera. Our photos at the end of the post.

This a 5 part series, please read the earlier parts here

Part 1: Hello Reykjavik, and the plan

Part 2: Gulfoss & Geyser

Part 3: Seljalandsfoss, Skogafoss, Black Beach, Diamond Beach, and a hike on the Vatnajokull Glacier!

Part 4: Heavenly day and a broken key

Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller” — Ibn Battuta

We continue from where we left off. As a young kid, it was fascinating to learn that Earth is a powerful magnet and shields us from harmful radiation. It was even more intriguing to know that you can see it in action in the Arctic region.

I was in awe of the magnificence all around Iceland, but I knew seeing the Northern Lights would be something else. We’d already been there for more than a week but hadn’t seen it yet. We were running out of time.

We were supposed to drive from Akureyri back to Reykjavik on our original plan. But we felt a little empty. We even went through a car issue in the middle of a…



Ilam Padmanabhan

Love to read and write about Software Engg, Agility, QA, Future of Humanity, AI, Books, Travel, Politics, Climate Change, Personal Finance, Writing & Life!