Crucial Things No One Tells You About Moving to a New Country by Yourself

Relocating sounds easier on paper than in reality.

Leah Njoki


Photo by Tom Cleary on Unsplash

The day is finally here; you’re as giddy as a little child with a new toy. You’ve wanted to relocate for so long and — depending on your passport — may have jumped through endless hoops to get that visa granted.

You’re a bit tired, what with all those farewell parties you’ve held every night for the past month.

Now here you are, all packed and ready to hop on a plane. You’re the pure definition of excitement. You feel the butterflies fluttering in your belly.

But here’s the million-dollar question:

When the plane touches the ground on the other side, where exactly do you start?

As someone who has been here before, I can confidently tell you that hopping on a plane to make a life in some faraway land sounds easier on paper than in reality.

There are always some challenges lurking in some unexpected corners. There are lessons to be learned; most importantly, you must catch up quickly.

I learned this the hard way.



Leah Njoki

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