Departing the Tourist Path in Favor of Local Delights
Seeking and finding the venues that are not in the guidebooks
I certainly won’t deny that I’ve been to the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids at Giza and Teotijuacan, Picadilly Circus, and Macchu Pichu. Truthfully, though, I have found that the more I travel, the more I relish my immersion in the quotidien of the locals rather than that of my fellow travelers.
I have found several ways that do this:
I used to suffer from a condition I referred to as “fear of foreign haircuts.” Then, on my first visit to Barcelona in 1986, when I was looking particularly shaggy, I knew I needed to ditch that fear so that I could manage to be able to look at myself in the mirror.
Since then, I have had my hair cut in dozens of countries. In fact, on many occasions did I embark on a trip in need of a haircut, just so that I could get one overseas.
The guy in the photo on top was certainly not the barber of Seville, but he was a barber in Seville.