Don’t Visit The Most Colorful House On Burano!

An unfiltered guide to this beautiful Venetian island



Rio del Pontinello, Burano. Author’s photo
Rio del Pontinello, Burano. Author’s photo

You’ve seen pictures of Burano, of course. An Insta favourite, usually enhanced with filters, you may almost feel you’ve been there. Gorgeous, saturated, colorful houses alongside sparkling canals and stone bridges.

So, while I was in Venice this summer, I just had to pay a visit to this most photogenic of the lagoon islands — and it held a few surprises!

Getting to Burano from Venice

Now, you can easily get a Vaporetto to Burano, just take the numero 12 from Fondamente Nove — there’s a water bus every 20 minutes at peak times — but I visited on a private tour of the lagoon, hosted by the lovely Matteo through Airbnb Experiences.

Before visiting Burano, we were able to get a sneak peek of it from the top of the campanile on Torcello.

It really is as stunning a view as they say, and you can see what a little island Burano actually is. The leaning bell tower of San Martino is very noticeable from here, dwarfing the rest of the buildings.




Living the beautiful life. Travel, food, style, culture.