Dzukou Valley Trip — My First Solo Trip and the Most Memorable Adventure of My Life

Fortunately, I went to Dzukou Valley with some amazing people, who made my journey easier and more memorable.

Inu Etc
Published in
5 min readOct 31, 2022


Inu Etc in Dzukou Valley. Photo by Inu Etc from Pexels

“When lovers go to the valley,

the night also turns

like day and moonlight also

shines as of the Sun.”

- Local Mao (Naga Tribe) Legend.

October 19, 2022.

I saw an ad for the Wild Hill Adventure’s Dzukou Valley trip on my Instagram feed. Soon after reading some reviews, I made contact with Wild Hill Adventure and booked the trip.

Well, I always make quick decisions, so I made the decision to go to Dzukou Valley without a second thought.

I was so excited to go on a solo trip to the Dzukou Valley, a beautiful place I’ve wanted to see for almost 7 years!

October 22, 2022.

The Jana Shatabdi express took me to Dimapur where I met some of our group members for the first time. Outside of Dimapur Railway Station, a car provided by the Wild Hill Adventure waited for us to take us to ISBT Kohima.



Inu Etc

I help young hustlers build their own online businesses. |, | Co-founder - | Writer, blogger, web developer, traveler. 💚