Travel Writing & Photography Challenge

Enjoying Scenic Vistas Was Never the Same Without You

Some wounds never fully heal

JoAnn Ryan
Published in
8 min readApr 1, 2024


Palisades Reservoir in Idaho
Palisades Reservoir in Idaho — All photos by JoAnn Ryan

Some of my fondest and most bittersweet memories are of traveling with my family as a kid to places like Corpus Christi, Rapid City, the island of Kauai, Calgary, the vineyards of Penticton, Acapulco, and Cancun. All such a far cry different from the drab crack of the world where I grew up amongst the deserts and endless fields of wheat, potatoes, and alfalfa in Southeast Idaho. Though I’ve come to appreciate my home state now, I sure didn’t then.

I couldn’t ever wait to get out and go someplace, anyplace, else.

Snowy Idaho open range near Idaho Falls, ID
Snowy Idaho open range near Idaho Falls, ID

My favorite travels of all though were still the road trips we took from Idaho to the state of Arizona once or twice per year in our two-toned brown Pontiac Bonneville. I loved every minute of those trips—leaving the dirt and gravel farm roads and cruising on the interstate out of Idaho, and proceeding to wear out cassette tapes of Beatles, Elvis, and the Rocky IV soundtrack, amongst many others. Just being in that car and heading somewhere felt like the best kind of freedom. During the…



JoAnn Ryan

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and Kaleidosphere.