Globetrotters February Travel Writing Prompt

Everybody Loves the Brooklyn Bridge

So I took the Williamsburg instead

Scott-Ryan Abt
Published in
6 min readFeb 2, 2024


Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan over the East River. Image by author.

(This article is based on a writing prompt in Globetrotters)

New York City. A million thoughts quickly leap to mind. Before the first time I went, fifteen years ago, I wondered if I was ready for it. I was and I wasn’t. I still wonder about that every time I go, and the same result happens. What a town.

I’d spent plenty of time in Manhattan, over the course of five or six trips. I still haven’t been to Ground Zero or the Statue of Liberty, but I did my tourist-level best in hitting most of the guidebook highlights the first few times.

The last time though, I didn’t want any of that stuff. That time would be different because I wanted to focus on just one neighbourhood. I’d never been to Brooklyn and because a good friend of mine had recently moved there, it seemed like as good a place as any to stop for a bit as I moved my life from Jamaica, where I had been living for the last year and a bit, to Vancouver, where I am from and subsequently returned after seven years away.

That, and the fact that New Order and the Pet Shop Boys were playing at Madison Square Garden that same month. That was a hell of a show and as good a reason…



Scott-Ryan Abt

Enthusiast, in transit. Pithy bon mots of life abroad and at home, the state of the world, travel, music, food, cocktails, cleverish observations.