Fallen Leaves in Berlin

A photographic documentary of the colorful season

Anne Bonfert


Credit: Anne Bonfert

It was meant to be a short trip to the city. Just to go inside the embassy for a visa appointment. But I’m not leaving my house these days without my camera in the bag. You never know…

I dropped David right in front of the building and then looked for parking in the neighboring street. Already on our way into the city, I was stunned by the colors of the trees lining the streets.

It’s fall.

The trees have changed their dress and are slowly dropping the leaves, piece by piece.

A piece of art. Made by nature. In the city. | Credit: Anne Bonfert

I finally found an open slot standing halfway on the pavement and half on the road but that’s apparently how people park in Berlin.

I grabbed my wide-angle lens and started walking back toward the embassy.

Looking up at the trees. Yellow and green next to orange and red. | Credit: Anne Bonfert

This residential area was full of life. On the streets. No, I did not pass any humans but all different kinds of trees and leaves painted yellow, orange…



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.