Globetrotters Writer Spotlight — Anne Bonfert

My favorite ways to travel and ultimate future dreams

Anne Bonfert
Published in
8 min readJul 7, 2022


Photo Credit: Bina Maja

Hi Globetrotters.

My name is Anne Bonfert. It’s a very short and simple name, yet I’ve learned to answer to the name of Ann, Anna, Hannah, Anne, and all kinds of versions of these in pronunciations of every language in the world.

No, I’m not picky. As long as you’re friendly and polite, I’ll answer.

I love to travel because it allows me to see how different places and countries are. I love nature and I love exploring new and foreign cultures. I love engaging with people from different countries and in foreign languages.

I’ve learned more things while traveling than in school (I think). I’ve learned how to wash my clothes by hand, how to live without running water and electricity, and how to communicate with a stranger using hands and feet.

Traveling allows me to grow as a person and see different perspectives and living conditions in the strangest parts of the world. Traveling has raised me as an independent woman but it has also brought me together with my African husband.

Traveling has made me a writer in fact. And a storyteller. I love writing down my thoughts while…



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.