Globetrotters Writer Spotlight — Keith Peters

Sharing the world one photograph at a time.

Keith Peters
3 min readJun 23, 2023


Me at the Grand Canyon photo by my wife Teresa

Hi Globetrotters. My name is… Keith Peters

I love to travel because… My wife and I are Fine Art Photographers this mandates that we travel to visit and photograph the areas we are interested in. I am drawn to the old and rusty. Ghost towns and old mining camps have a special place in my heart; I am amazed at the ingenuity and pure hard work that was needed to create a life in the early West. By photographing these places, I hope to share my love with others and preserve a little piece of history that time is slowly eroding away.

As my target subject usually resides off the beaten path, the journey routinely takes me to the backcountry. On some occasions, the landscape’s natural beauty along the way demands my attention and often becomes the focus of that day’s photography session.

My number one travel activity is… Photography, camping, and exploring.

I come from… I was born on a small farm in Iowa, and I have lived in Boston, MA, Berlin, Germany, San Francisco, CA, and now live in Surprise, AZ.

I work as a… Fine Art Photographer and I am the co-owner of T&K Images with my wife.

The best place I’ve been is… People always ask me this, and it is tough to answer as we have been to so many places throughout the years. But I usually say it is not the place but the people we meet along the way. A great example of this is spending a day with Angle Delgadillo.

Angle in his barber shop turned Rt66 Visitor Center photo by Author.

If you are unfamiliar with Angle, he is the father of the rebirth of Rte 66 in Arizona, and his experiences are the basis of the 2006 Pixar film Cars.

In my spare time, I like to… Watch history/documentaries and tell stories

My top travel tip is… Do not let the clock manage you. If you see something of interest, stop and explore and talk to the locals; you will be amazed at what you find along the way.

If I could live somewhere else, I’d live in… As outlined above, I have lived in several places throughout my lifetime, and Arizona is home.

My favorite way to travel is… As landscape photographers, we are at the mercy of mother nature regarding the weather and lighting, so we need to be able to travel in a way that allows us some flexibility in our schedule. We travel via an RV to have this flexibility.

Three lessons I’ve learned from traveling are…

  1. If you are going into the backcountry, always tell someone your plans.
  2. Always have food, water, and bring a jacket even if you do not plan on wearing it.
  3. Do not rush; you will miss the finer points of your trip.

I hope you liked my introduction, and I look forward to sharing more of our travels here.



Keith Peters

Fine Art photographer with over 30 years of photography experience. Focusing on exploring the back roads of the U.S. Co-owner at T&K Images https://imagesbytk