Globetrotters Writer Spotlight — Meg Stewart

A born and raised Ohioan with a cross-country road trip on her bucket list.

Meg Stewart


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Hi Globetrotters. My name is…

Megan Stewart, aka Meg Stewart, although that nickname never even surfaced until my early thirties. As an employment case manager for homeless veterans, I agreed to go by Meg since there was another case manager, Meghan on staff. Pretty soon, the vets started calling me “Miss Meg”. Now only family and close friends call me Megan, I’m Meg to everyone else.

I love to travel because…

I’ve always been fascinated by people and places different from what I’m used to and I think that’s likely what fed my love of writing fantasy fiction. I’ve started a series of short stories called Where the Lost Things Go, the first of which is available on Amazon. I’m also working on a fantasy quest trilogy and a series of books on freelance writing.

Even though I haven’t traveled far and wide much yet, when I have traveled it’s always the people I meet I find most intriguing. I love to see the area and the shops too though when there’s time.

And if there’s a lighthouse involved you can count me in for sure.



Meg Stewart

Freelance writer & tech coach. Grammi of 10. I use affiliate links. Get Market Mondays free