Globetrotters Writer Spotlight — Robert Schall

I am hungry and have a camera, so I travel

Robert Schall
3 min readOct 24, 2023


Robert Schall holding a 35mm film camera from Nikon shot in high contrast black and white
‘Self Portrait’ by Robert Schall Photography

Hi Globetrotters. My name is… Robert. Good old stable name, nothing fancy but quite handy when traveling around the globe.

I love to travel because… it is an adventure of discovery. There is so much diversity out there on our globe, so many interesting things for us to discover and learn about. Cultures, culinary treats, and just the amazing people in every corner of the world.

My number one travel activity is… photography guess I should say, but then there is also tasting other cultures’ foods. Maybe, safe to say it is a tossup between the two.

I come from… Europe. Born and raised mostly in Europe but have now been in New York City for over 15 years.

I work as a… photographer. I turned my long-time hobby and passion into my profession.

The best place I’ve been is… hmmm… oh come on, that is such an unfair question, there are so many answers that could be the one, and yet it is impossible to choose between any of them. Take the majesty and peacefulness of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the untamed wonders of Yellowstone National Park in the USA, the myriads of princely castles in Europe, or the exotic and intricate temples of Southeast Asia. I guess I could also look at smaller wonders of the world such as the mouth-watering night markets of Taiwan, the picturesque volcanic beaches of the Canary Islands, the white and blue villages of Santorini, Greece, a hug from a Koala bear in the zoo of Brisbane, Australia, or the never-ending assortments of ingredients in the Thai markets. There are too many to choose from…or just maybe…I just have not found THE best place yet and need to keep traveling to find it. I think I would go with the last option, even if it is just an excuse to travel more.

In my spare time, I like to… Surprise! The answer is TRAVEL. Relaxing with family and friends is a top choice too.

My top travel tip is… to go with the flow, the journey is as important as the destination. While traveling you will always be presented with new adventures, keep an open eye and mind, and you will experience many.

If I could live somewhere else, I’d live in… Sydney is my answer for now. I lived there as a wee lad, and it left a lasting impression and have always wanted to move back as an adult.

My favorite way to travel is… as a local. I hate being a tourist, I want to experience the places like a local and not be bused around from one touristy thing to another. Yes, technically I am still a tourist when I travel, it is just that I prefer to experience the real location and not just the spruced-up parts specifically made for tourists.

Three lessons I’ve learned from traveling are… as I mentioned one already: Go with the flow, have the flexibility to change your plans in case some local entices you to a different experience in their neck of the wood. Secondly: be open-minded and accepting of other cultures. Each has its own way of doing things and we should respect that. And thirdly: try the food! One of the best ways to experience another culture is through their food and their food culture.



Robert Schall

A passionate photographer and avid traveler sharing his experiences through his photos and blog.