Grateful for this Mountainside Restaurant

Home of the BEST Ribs

Nicholas Patton
3 min readNov 29, 2022


Photo by DAVID NIETO on Unsplash

W​hen my family and I travel to Austria in the summer, we usually stay in a cabin on a mountain for about a week. This trip is one of the most extraordinary experiences because we are going off the grid. There is no wifi, electricity, or large amounts of human contact.

S​taying in this cabin was never dull either because there were so many hiking trails. These trails branched out to different mountain peaks; one hike could take the entire day. Card games were the next activity that took the most time because there wasn’t a TV or an outlet to charge your phone on. So finding the best card games to play was often the highlight of the evening.

Because our cabin didn’t have electricity, we would refrigerate our food in a trough that had cold, natural mountain water running through it at all times. This water kept it at a safe, stored temperature. Usually, on the final day of the week, we would walk about 2 minutes down the mountain to a restaurant that doubled as a hotel. This design of restaurants/hotels is extremely common in foreign countries. So it was not uncommon for people staying in the hotel to rely on the restaurant for all their food.

Photo by Pramod Kumar Sharma on Unsplash

This restaurant was notable for a variety of reasons

1​. The traffic the restaurant gets is not very high because being on the side of the mountain does not allow too many people to come and eat. This lack of traffic adds to the restaurant’s overall quality because the owners are friendly and welcoming to any business you bring.

2​. Similar to the first reason, the customer service quality is near perfect. The owners would even buy us drinks, sit, and chat with us. In addition, being the only customers in the restaurant facilitates a relationship to form more easily. They even had a mini playground perfect for killing time when we were waiting for food.

3​. They had the best ribs that I have ever had. I am not sure what they did or how they did it, but they hit the nail on the head with these ribs. European ribs do not usually have BBQ sauce, making them unique. They have different types of seasoning that make them juicy and hit you with a different flavor domain. I honestly believe I could take an entire rack of them down by myself.

Photo by Alexandru-Bogdan Ghita on Unsplash

T​his restaurant allowed us to enjoy quality time with each other and friends, make new friends, and enjoy some of the best food ever. I appreciate everything the restaurant did for us. Unfortunately, it has since closed down, but I want to show my appreciation for how great it was.

T​hanks for the read!



Nicholas Patton

Traveling blogger with niche for cooking and random interesting topics