Writing — Travel

Hello Fellow Globetrotters!

Glad you could join us

JoAnn Ryan
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2022


Visiting the most famous crosswalk in music history, Abbey Road in London — All photos by JoAnn Ryan

Travel writing has long been one of my greatest loves. It surely must have been fueled by Mark Twain’s journey west, Hemingway’s fishing trip to Spain (as well as numerous other travels), Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and even Danielle Steel with books like Wanderlust (hey, I was only like 14).

Travel teaches us about the world in a way that goes far beyond any book or movie though — we learn to appreciate a myriad of fascinating people and cultures and ultimately learn more about ourselves.

I’m so excited to have been the owner/editor of Globetrotters for well over two years now but I’ve had a whole lot of help from my fellow editors and friends: Adrienne Beaumont, Anne Bonfert, Michele Maize and Krasi Shapkarova.

Together we’ve made this one of the best travel publications on Medium and though it’s always been fun and rewarding it sure hasn’t always been easy. We’ve gone through many growing pains and changes. And a lot of people have tried to tell me personally that we are just f*cking everything up and headed in the wrong direction.

But here we are, living and breathing success by bringing readers a wealth of travel stories that people love to read! And success is always the best way to deal with all the…



JoAnn Ryan

A complete mess but always striving to do better. Owner of Globetrotters, In Living Color and Kaleidosphere.