
Hiking Tasmania’s Three Capes Track

The four-day adventure takes you to the edge of dizzying sea cliffs.

Andrea Hoymann
Published in
7 min readJan 22, 2023


Sea cliff views on the Three Capes Track | Photo by Andrea Hoymann

The moment the boat drops off our small group of walkers at Denmans Cove in the Tasman National Park, I know I'll be in for a treat these next four days. The vessel can't get close enough to the shore to provide a dry landing, so we take off our shoes and wade a short distance through the cold water onto the beach.

I'm in no rush to move on. White sand. Blue water. Dense forest. No phone reception. Any stress I've still been holding on to melts away instantly.

The secluded beach is the starting point for the Three Capes Track, a 48-kilometre multi-day hike through the rugged wilderness of the Tasman Peninsula in Australia. The trail opened in 2015 after five years of meticulous planning and another five years of construction. It will take my friend Ana and me across and to the edge of 300-metre-high cliffs — with views that are otherwise only accessible via helicopter.

Approaching Surveyors Cabin | Photo by Andrea Hoymann

As we dry off our feet, the group of around twenty hikers that arrived with us starts to disperse — much to our relief. Even…



Andrea Hoymann

German expat in Australia | writes about sustainability, travel, work & life | head of strategy at