Hofburg, Habsburgs, and the Hungerburg Funicular: A Day in Innsbruck

Visiting Tyrol’s capital

Claire Elizabeth Levesque


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Though it’s a tough call, Austria has to be one of my favorite countries in Europe — even more so after visiting Tyrol, a region (or I guess technically a state) located in the Alps. And the capital of this state is Innsbruck.

Since I unfortunately only had one full day to explore Innsbruck after getting in fairly late on the train the previous evening, I woke up bright and early to make the most of it. I was pleasantly surprised by how empty the streets were — though this didn’t remain the case later on.

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I got breakfast and then began to wander around the Altstadt (old town). I wasn’t specifically seeking anything out, but I did come across one of the most famous buildings anyway, called Goldenes Dachl (below left photo). I’m not sure what the building in the photo on the right is, but I thought it was very striking as well.

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