Honfleur: The Port-Town Painted a Thousand Times

This colourful harbour is beloved by artists.

Jordhan Robinson


The harbour of Honfleur. The waterfront is surrounded by townhouses.
Photo by Gunther Bauer on Unsplash

Honfleur has been synonymous with artists. Whether that be local greats, like Honfleur’s own, Eugene Boudin, or his protégé, Claude Monet. To passers-by seduced by the port town’s quaintness. However, you don’t have to be a budding artist to enjoy this pretty Norman port town.

First glance at The Vieux Bassin

Front on view of the Vieux Bassin, tall, thin houses of varying sizes, cram together near the water front.
Photo by Max Well on Unsplash

After finding a free parking lot located near the town centre of Honfleur (take note UK), we made our journey to the famous Le Vieux Bassin.

On first impression, the harbour is incredibly quaint, and it was easy to see why this particular viewpoint is so keenly captured on canvas by amateurs and professionals alike.

I am no artist by any means, far the contrary in fact (drawing anything beyond a stick figure would prove challenging enough), but I do notice how capturing this harbour would test your skills.

The buildings themselves, rise and fall in height, almost at random in a soundwave-like fashion. The faces of these buildings lend perfectly to the textured nature…



Jordhan Robinson

A travel/food writer first and foremost. Our world is too interesting for one niche so follow for: Martial arts, fitness, movies, history and much more!