How to Find and Pet Australian Wallabies in New Zealand

Wallabies may not be native to New Zealand, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t cute and fun.

Charles Black M.D.


Wallabie animal encounter in Waimate New Zealand on the South Island of New Zealand.
Wallabies at EnkleDooVery Korna, photo courtesy of Chuck Black Photography.

When planning a holiday for six people ranging in age from teens to septuagenarians, you have your work cut out for you. You need to find something thrilling and vigorous enough to engage teens while not being too much excitement and activity for someone two generations older. It’s not an easy balancing act, but I found the right combination in a little out-of-the-way town.

Wallabie animal encounter in Waimate New Zealand on the South Island of New Zealand.
Wallabies at EnkleDooVery Korna, photo courtesy of Chuck Black Photography.

The small town of Waimate resides halfway between Oamaru and Timaru and is about a 30-minute drive from either. In this unassuming little town, you find a larger-than-life character in the form of a dainty, older woman named Gwen Dempster-Schouten (she joked with us that she had two last names because she had two husbands and kept the names but not the husbands).

Wallabie animal encounter in Waimate New Zealand on the South Island of New Zealand.
Wallabies at EnkleDooVery Korna, photo courtesy of Chuck Black Photography.

Gwen runs EnkleDooVery Korna, a preserve for wallabies in New Zealand. Wallabies are…



Charles Black M.D.

Dr. Charles Black is a general surgeon, author, photographer, outdoorsman, world traveler and fireside philosopher. Website: