I Found a Whale in the Desert
How it got there was a mystery wrapped in a riddle
It’s not every day one encounters a whale in the desert.
I had never thought it possible.
And it certainly wasn’t something I’d expected, especially not in a 3,000-foot-deep arroyo carved into a mile-high plateau in one of the most rugged, foreboding and unforgiving deserts in the world.
But there I was on a cliff-clinging trail in Arroyo Santa Teresa, in Baja California Sur, Mexico — two hours by car and another four hours by mule from any modern city — looking up in awe at a 6,000-year-old cave painting of a black human figure reaching out and touching a red, breaching whale.
How and why anyone — or more precisely a Paleolithic Native American — would paint such a thing in such a place so seemingly remote from the nearest ocean was at the time a baffling mystery.
It seemed so incongruous and jarring to the senses, this whale in the desert.
But, of course, I’m always up for delving into a good mystery.
And I was determined to get to the bottom of this one.