In Search Of Van Gogh In Arles

Arles most famous resident left his mark across the city

Darren Weir


Arles street art across from my hotel — all photos are by the author

Vincent Van Gogh is Arles’ most famous resident.

He lived there for just over a year from February 1888 to May 1889 — 444 days. But it was a very important year in his life. Not only did he produce more than 200 paintings (including many of his most famous masterpieces like Sunflowers) plus 100 drawings and watercolors, but he also had a serious mental health breakdown that a year after leaving Arles, resulted in his death.

Arles is the city where he famously cut off part of his ear and presented it to a cleaning woman at a brothel. He had just had a major blowup with his friend Paul Gaugin. The pair had been living together in the famous “yellow house” (which has since been demolished). They drank heavily and worked feverishly at their art, churning out new paintings every couple of days. After only a week or so after Gaugin arrived, the pair had a confrontation and a furious Van Gogh sliced off “part” of his ear with a razor. (There’s still nothing confirmed if it was part or all of his left ear, that’s still contentious.)

After his self-mutilation, he was admitted to the hospital in Arles where he was allowed to set up an easel in the courtyard to continue creating his artwork. He later voluntarily moved to…



Darren Weir

I write about Travel, Photography, Music - Parasol Publications Editor - Publisher of Travel Memoirs - TV News Producer (retired)