Izmir: A Little Turkish Treat

Vanessa Brown
Published in
9 min readDec 14, 2022


A lesser-known tourist destination.

Konak clock — the iconic representation of Izmir. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

Izmir is the most progressive city in Turkey, but don’t take my word for it, ask any Turkish person and they’ll tell you so.

It was on the advice from Turkish friends that I booked a month’s accommodation in Izmir, and I’m so glad that I did. Not only is the city filled with historical beauty, good food, and entertainment, but it’s also really close to some of Turkey’s greatest attractions.

Let’s begin in the city.


Dario Moreno Street and the Historical Elevator (Asansör)

Dario Moreno was a Turkish singer born to Jewish parents in Western Turkey. After a traumatic childhood, he rose to iconic status in the country, particularly in the Izmir region where his music is widely loved. The city honoured him with his own street which is lined with arty and slightly eccentric cafés and restaurants, as well as this wonderful colourful portrait.

The street art portrait of Dario Moreno. Photo by Vanessa Brown.

At the end of Dario Moreno Street is the historical elevator, or asansör, which was built to alleviate climbing the 155 stairs between two major…



Vanessa Brown

Author, content creator, teacher, and recovering digital nomad. I have lived in six countries, five of them with a cat: thewelltravelledcat.com.