Travel & Photography

Journey towards the Northernmost Point of the Great Britain Mainland

Day 5: Exploring Dunnet Head Lighthouse

Mystical Aries
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2024


Dunnet Head Lighthouse
Dunnet Head Lighthouse — Photo credits: Author

We started our morning with delicious chicken noodles and ginger tea for breakfast, leaving our cabin around noon. Our first stop was Dunrobin Castle and Gardens. The castle was magnificent with beautiful gardens and well-preserved interiors. The details about our experience can be read here:

Heavy rain was pouring down when we started heading towards Dunnet Head lighthouse.

Dunnet Head Lighthouse sits on a remote moorland peninsula at the northernmost point of the Great Britain mainland.

Dunnet Head Lighthouse

We took the A9 route towards Thurso. It was raining so heavily that visibility was low. The North Sea on our right side was completely covered with clouds and rain, and on our left, the rocky mountains were covered with beautiful Scottish…



Mystical Aries

Writer > Traveler > Photographer > Nature lover > Food Lover > Adventure Enthusiast > Software Developer