Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Camels? Oh My!

The Wild Animal Sanctuary saves abused and neglected creatures and brings them to unique open spaces in Colorado.

Sondra Singer - Still Vital


Tigers playing at The Wild Animal Sanctuary (TWAS), Keenesburg, CO, May 2023. Photo by the author.

Last month, I journeyed with my husband and another couple back to The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado, an hour’s drive east. This was my 4th visit and it was different because we went at the end of the day when the lions and wolves, in particular, roared and howled at each other in a great show of their presence and dominance.

Lion making his presence known. TWAS April 2024. Photo by the author.
White wolf howling near sunset, TWAS 2024. Photo by the author.

When there’s a zoo in trouble around the world, an abuser of animals exposed, or even when some idiot thought it was a good idea to keep a baby tiger (until it grew to 400 pounds), who do you call?

The man many, including officials within the U.S. Justice Department, call is Pat Craig, The Wild Animal Sanctuary’s founder.



Sondra Singer - Still Vital

Sondra Singer is a writer, musician, storyteller, and consultant. She worked in advertising for commercial media and also in Corporate Support for public media.