Long Ago, I Spent a Day at the Mystic Tintern Abbey in Wales

My A-Z of favorite travel destinations: T

Erie Astin


Tintern Abbey. Photo credit: Erie Astin

For some time, I’ve struggled with how to represent the majestic Tintern Abbey in words and pictures. In my photos, the reddish gray brick, though its real color, made Tintern seem too small, too of this world, when really this magic spot in Wales is eternal and infinite.

Now, I’ve finally caught a break with the Globetrotters November challenge, “Gray”:

When I switch my Tintern pictures to monochrome, meaning leaps out of them.

I’m transported back to that long-ago time, visiting Wales with my dad when I was 18 years old. Back then, I thought we’d stumbled upon a mystic fairy glen, where ancient creatures from Welsh legend made their home.

Tintern is a place where the mist settles lightly upon the land. It weaves in and out of the empty windows of the abbey ruins, where once there glowed stained glass windows, but now there is only stone and sky.



Erie Astin

Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.