Magnificence Isn’t Always a Question of Height

Exploring the small — but beautiful — peaks of the Scottish Highland and England’s Lake District

Claire Elizabeth Levesque


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When I think of mountains, my mind immediately goes to the Teton mountain range in Wyoming. They’re huge and impressive, and look like the drawings I made as a kid: jagged, triangular peaks with white, snowy tops. The tallest of these peaks is the aptly named Grand Teton, which is a whopping 13,770 feet tall (source).

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Or, sometimes, my mind goes to the Alps. When I took the photo below it was summer, so they weren’t snow-capped, and even when they are, the mountains in this part of the Alps (near Innsbruck, Austria) admittedly aren’t as imposing as Mont Blanc or the Matterhorn. But at nearly 9,000 feet, they still loomed large in the distance.

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But the truth is, as beautiful as these mountain ranges are, and as much as I love them, my heart really belongs to the more diminutive mountains of the UK. Because what they lack in…

