Memories Are the Best Souvenirs

When you’re a collector by heart but have limited space

Anne Bonfert
Published in
11 min readJul 16, 2022


My most used multi-functional souvenir — a sarong. | Credit: Anne Bonfert

Looking at the history of hunter-gatherers, I’m definitely the gatherer and my husband is the hunter. There’s no doubt about that. He’ll hunt in real life. He can shoot an antelope and prepare it for dinner.

While me, well.

I’ll go pick flowers.

That’s not true. I’ve learned better than that thanks to my parents.

I can run a vegetable garden, pick blossoms in the mountains to make tea in the wilderness and even know a handful of wildflowers that could be useful for eating or medicine.

“Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn’t all a dream?” — Ashleigh Brilliant

But this article is about a different kind of gathering. The kind of gathering we do while we travel around the world hopping from one souvenir shop to the other.

It’s more a collecting of items than a gathering of edible foods.

However, I’ve done my fair share of collecting things while traveling. I’ve dropped some while others are still going strong.



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.