More Reasons To Visit Lille

From my recent Christmas trip

Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2024


A pubin Lille
Lille — author’s photo

Three weeks ago I visited Lille in northern France to escape that dull period between Christmas and New Year. I had a wonderful time in this quaint French city, which happened to have a beautiful Christmas market and beautifully decorated streets.

Read about my initial thoughts here:

After finding my feet in this historic city, I was keen to discover more about its culture and traditions.

Knowing Lille Better

I had already watched a few Youtube videos about what to do in Lille before I got there. Most travel bloggers suggested walking up the Belfry of the Town Hall, which I did first. It was 400 steps to the top and I struggled half way, having to catch my breath.

The view from the windows on each level was great. I enjoyed reaching the top and found it much easier walking back down again.

There is a lift which can be used after you have ascended the first hundred steps. It begins on the floor where you purchase your…




Freelance writer, author and blogger. Passionate about books, theatre and the environment. Everyone should have a healthy work-life balance so I share my tips.