My Glowing Review Wasn’t Enough To Keep This Hotel Open

The hospitality I felt in Tulum, Mexico was like no other

Michele Maize


The El Pez Hotel property (Tulum, Mexico) — Photo Credit: Michele Maize

As I stepped out of the taxi, the fresh, salty air ignited my senses. We grabbed our bags, walked through the boho-chic entryway, and were greeted with the kindest eyes. I didn’t know what to fix my gaze on more, the beautiful waves crashing up on the rocks or my new friend, Gilbert, the man with the kind eyes.

“Here, let me take your bags and get you all checked in. After that, we will have complimentary cocktails and snacks,” he said. I couldn’t wait for that and felt the sincere love that he was extending.

The hospitality felt in Tulum, Mexico was given even before we arrived. Several emails back and forth with the property manager at El Pez Hotel in Tulum, Mexico excited me for our arrival. I have yet to correspond this way with any other hotel. I thought to myself that because this is a boutique hotel, they go the extra mile.

They recommended several restaurants and let me decide if I would want them to make reservations. Say what? I already couldn’t believe the level of service, as I had never experienced such generosity. They even managed to get us into a restaurant I’d been eyeing but couldn’t manage to reserve.



Michele Maize

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.