My visit to the ashram of Amma, the “hugging saint” or “hugging guru” (Part 1 of 2)

Settling in to the ashram life

Jay Davidson


Amma in a photo that I captured from

I had heard about Amma, but must say that I had never considered the possibility of visiting her or getting one of her hugs. That is until I mentioned on Facebook that I was going to be visiting India. My friend Angelo told me that he was already there, staying at Amma’s ashram, and he invited me to come and stay with him.

All right, then! I thought. I am going to make this visit and treat it as if I am a cultural anthropologist! I would observe and not get emotionally involved in the experience. Let’s just see how that goes.

Kochin to Amritapuri


I had been staying in Kochin, along the same (west) coast of India, about 74 miles away, to the north of my destination.

After taking the ferry to Ernakulam, I got a driver there to take me to the Ernakulam Junction railway station. I had no idea what the train schedule was, so I simply asked for the next train to Kayamkulam. Luck was on my side! There was a train leaving in about ten minutes, at 10:00. The clerk selling me the ticket said that the arrival time in Kayamkulam would be 13:00. The ticket for this three-hour ride was 25 INR/$.40.



Jay Davidson

Retired teacher (San Francisco, 1969–2003); Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Mauritania, 2003–2005); public speaker, artist, writer, traveler, world citizen