Old Fashioned Christmas in Quebec City — In Black and White

A to Z of my favorite travel destinations — Q is for Quebec

Darren Weir
Published in
8 min readJan 2, 2023


Quebec old town porte — author’s photo

Home for Christmas doesn’t hold the same magic as it did when I was younger. Since the deaths of my parents, I have searched for ways to create new holiday traditions.

A few years ago, before the pandemic, I was lucky enough to get a block of time off work, in the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. But what to do?

I could travel back home to share it with my sisters, my nieces, and their families, but they would be busy preparing for Christmas and their own getaways to someplace sunny and hot, their new Christmas tradition. I was feeling nostalgic and wanted something that would remind me of Christmases past, and renew the magic of the holidays.

I stumbled across a CNN article that focused on the best places in the world to celebrate Christmas and there on the list was Quebec City. I have never been but always wanted to visit. I have seen numerous photos and got the impression that it is North America’s most European city, plus it’s only about an hour away from Toronto by air.



Darren Weir

I write about Travel, Photography, Music - Parasol Publications Editor - Publisher of Travel Memoirs - TV News Producer (retired)