Travel | Portugal | City

Olhão: A Charming Little Coastal City in the Algarve Region of Portugal

This incredible city has so many beautiful places to explore

Suntonu Bhadra
Published in
7 min readAug 12, 2022


Olhão Harbor. Image: Suntonu Bhadra

2019, December: We (my wife and I) landed at Toronto Pearson Airport after visiting Bangladesh for one month. We were sad after coming back, but we already had plans for the following year's Q2 to explore outside Canada (fate might have been laughing in the background!).

Then, covid-19 took control of the world. And our plan paused.

2020: An entire year without commuting outside Canada!
2021: Another year without commuting outside Canada!
2022: The first quarter has gone too!

We decided to break the barrier and try our first trip 'outside Canada' after the covid hit. We already got multiple doses of the vaccine, plus by that point, we agreed that covid was not going anywhere. So, as long as we live with this, why not explore while living?

Where to go?

After evaluating all the potential candidates, and the pros and cons, we chose to visit Portugal in May 2022.

And this is the first story of that two-week-long trip to amazing Portugal that started with Olhão.

